• Everyday you make 35,000 choices
  • one day you will have to choose who to go to to for financial advice
  • Choose someone you can trust
  • If you don’t know where you’re going then any road will take you there

Welcome to CMC Independent Financial Advisers in East Grinstead

The great joy of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about life's uncertainties, and our aim is to pave the way for a more secure financial future for you, your family and for businesses of all sizes.

You are the focus of our business: You, your life, your family, your future.

Start your journey today

Ready to get started? We'd love for you to get in touch with us and start your journey today. You can either contact us (opening hours 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday) or create a secure Portal account which will enable you to send us basic information to help speed up the initial process as well as access our business documents.

Contact UsBecome a client

Thinking about your finances?

Why wouldn't everybody want their Adviser to be Independent ?

We are

The duty of care required of an Independent Financial Adviser is the very highest... to act at all times in the Client's best interests and to consider the entire range of solutions to meet their needs, without restriction or favour.

We do

The decision you make to which independent financial planning business you work with is an important one. We understand that for you to choose us as your adviser means that you are providing us with a huge responsibility.

  • It's a responsibility we take incredibly seriously and is one of the values which guide our business.
  • We will take time to consider your situation, needs and priorities before writing a detailed financial report.
  • We will discuss this face to face in a follow up meeting in which we'll fully explain our recommendations and agree affordable priorities to assist you in achieving your objectives.

Our understanding of your current financial situation is the keystone to the formulation of a financial plan which will meet your future needs. Many people have goals and dreams, but a goal without a plan is just a wish... an achievable goal is a dream with a deadline.

So it all starts with listening. We listen to your needs, your hopes your dreams, and we formulate a plan, which enables us to offer you clear, no-jargon advice on the most appropriate financial products for your personal circumstances.

This is the start of our journey together, to prepare the plan to meet your goals, to ensure that you, your family and your assets are protected, and to help you build a brighter, more secure future.

Call us today on 01342 314067 or complete our short enquiry form and we'll be pleased to help you.

01342 314067
enquiry form